Monday, February 28, 2011

What Kind of Net Do You Have?

Today, I was reading in Luke 5:4 where Jesus says to Peter, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”  In this particular passage, Peter obeyed Jesus and threw his net into the deep waters, the same waters that he had just spent all night trying to catch fish with but was unsuccessful.  However, to his surprise- his net quickly became full of more fish than he could handle alone.  After experiencing this remarkable situation, Peter left his fishing career and immediately followed Jesus. 
Although, I am not a fisherman, I too have a net to help gather disciples for God with.  God has given me both physical and spiritual gifts to throw out and capture the hearts of men with.  Some of these might include my gift of exhortation (encouragement), writing and speaking talents, or just simply- my love for Jesus.  Better yet, I am a mother, who can train up younger fisherman for God, helping them with their nets. 
 What kind of net do you have to fish with today?   How can you use your net to bring in an abundant catch for God’s Kingdom?  It might be just a simple word of encouragement, sharing some time with someone or using a specific talent God has given you to change a life for Him. Whatever it is, be willing to let down your net; you never know what kind of fish you might catch!  Have a great weekJ.

1 comment:

  1. Great post to kick off the month of March, Kim. My nets change as God sees fit, but right now my nets include my desire to help people (I've been appointed rearD FRG leader...I know, right?) and, of course, my writing ministry through my blogs, articles, and novel. I look forward to see what "fish" God will put in my nets!
